I’m still here

I know I haven’t reviewed anything here, but I also haven’t stopped reading. Thing is, there are many books I’ve read since my last one. Here’s a list of read books since May 3rd:

The Binding – Bridget Collins

How would you wish that your unpleasant memories disappear? If you could bind those memories into a book, would you be willing to? Or would you consider those who have bound their memory into a book a cowards?

De Dag van de Doden – Nicci French

Erg triest! Nu moet ik echt afscheid nemen van Frieda Klein, Josef en Alexei Morozov, Malcolm Karlsson, Chloë en Olivia Klein, Yvette Long, Reuben McGill. Vorig jaar was echt mijn Nicci French’s jaar want ik begon al de boeken achter elkaar te lezen. Mijn eerste kennismaking was”Tot het Voorbij Is” en ik vond het een schitterend verhaal. Natuurlijk had ik over Nicci French al eerder gehoord, maar heb pas vorig jaar de gelegenheid gehad om hun boeken te lezen.

The Perfect Life – Nuala Ellwood

This provided book has an easy flow that I could barely take it down. I thought it might be an interesting read, based on the synopsis. But I have to disappoint you: it doesn’t even reach my book recommendation list and here’s why

Hamnet – Maggie O’Farrell

This book has received many excellent reviews, hence I purchased it.

Reading this exactly during the COVID19 pandemic, and there’s a pandemic in this book. As much as I would like to love this book, I must admit that I didn’t have the energy every time I started to continue reading it. Probably not the right time to read it. Maybe I’ll revisit this book in the future

Forty Rules Of Love – Elif Shafak

I have been willing to read one of her books for quite sometime. This book, although very easy to read, contains words which, if you’re not familiar with Arabic and the Islam, might cause you to take a look at the footnote. If you read the physical book, it’s easier to go back and forth…

Tropenbruid – Susan Smit

I know that it sounds cliche to review this in English while the book is only available in Dutch language. Well, I hope it will be available in English soon. The title in English would be Tropical Bride. Anna Prinsenhoek is an orphan who lives in Amsterdam city. She lives at the shelter and she’s…