Bring Me Back – B. A. Paris

I have had this book on my shelf for a while, but had only the opportunity to read this year. I have a long TBR list. It’s a fast-paced thriller with short chapters that it’s possible to read in one sitting. I myself have read this within 24 hours.

The Perfect Prey – Helen Fields

This e-book has been left unread for quite a while since I had purchased it last year. This isn’t new, but the Dutch language version has just been released last year, and that’s why I wasn’t even aware. Although the first book in this D. I. Callanach series was impressive, this second book wasn’t as interesting as I had expected

De Dag van de Doden – Nicci French

Erg triest! Nu moet ik echt afscheid nemen van Frieda Klein, Josef en Alexei Morozov, Malcolm Karlsson, Chloë en Olivia Klein, Yvette Long, Reuben McGill. Vorig jaar was echt mijn Nicci French’s jaar want ik begon al de boeken achter elkaar te lezen. Mijn eerste kennismaking was”Tot het Voorbij Is” en ik vond het een schitterend verhaal. Natuurlijk had ik over Nicci French al eerder gehoord, maar heb pas vorig jaar de gelegenheid gehad om hun boeken te lezen.

Dark Saturday – Nicci French

I’ve read this book last year, but I forgot to give my reviews. Well, as I am a fan of Nicci French, my review will be biased. However, my reviews are there also for my future self, to remind me that I’ve read it and to remember what I’ve read.

The Perfect Life – Nuala Ellwood

This provided book has an easy flow that I could barely take it down. I thought it might be an interesting read, based on the synopsis. But I have to disappoint you: it doesn’t even reach my book recommendation list and here’s why